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Surgical Demonstration: JOURNEY™ II XR with NAVIO™ Bi-cruciate Retaining Robotic-Assisted TKA procedure featuring the NAVIO™ Surgical System Video

Surgical Demonstration: JOURNEY™ II XR with NAVIO™ Bi-cruciate Retaining Robotic-Assisted TKA procedure featuring the NAVIO™ Surgical System

Dr. Jimmy Chow performs a total knee arthroplasty on a 52 year old competitive cyclist using the JOURNEY II XR knee with robotic-assistance from the NAVIO™ Surgical System
Surgical Demonstration: Revision Knee Arthroplasty with CORI™ Surgical System Video

Surgical Demonstration: Revision Knee Arthroplasty with CORI™ Surgical System

Dr. Thorsten Seyler demonstrates how to perform a robotic-assisted revision knee arthroplasty using the CORI™ Surgical System.
Surgical Overview of the Revision Knee Workflow with the CORI™ Surgical System Video

Surgical Overview of the Revision Knee Workflow with the CORI™ Surgical System

Dr. Steven Nishiyama presents and narrates a live revision knee procedure he performed demonstrating the workflow and technique used when performing robotic-assisted revision knee procedure with the CORI? Surgical System.
Teaser Video: CORI™ Surgical System Video

Teaser Video: CORI™ Surgical System

This teaser video showcases key aspects of the CORI™ Surgical System, a smart, highly efficient handheld robotics system.
The JOURNEY II Bi-Cruciate Stabilized (BCS) Total Knee System Video

The JOURNEY II Bi-Cruciate Stabilized (BCS) Total Knee System

Steven Haas, MD - Operating Surgeon
Dave Mayman, MD - Narrating Surgeon
The Role of Enabling Technologies in Current Hip Arthroplasty Challenges Video

The Role of Enabling Technologies in Current Hip Arthroplasty Challenges

Dr. David Rovinsky discusses the use of calibrated x-rays, a preoperative spinopelvic assessment tool (RI.HIP MODELER), and explains how software-guided surgery factors in pelvic tilt and other information to determine optimal cup placement, leg length and offset during total hip arthroplasty.
Total Knee Arthroplasty with Handheld Robotics in the Outpatient Setting Video

Total Knee Arthroplasty with Handheld Robotics in the Outpatient Setting

Dr. Bertrand Kaper talks about S+N robotic technology in ASC. The small footprint, portability, capital efficiency, image free smart mapping, make CORI™ System ideal for outpatient surgery.
TraumaCad® Digital Templating Overview Video

TraumaCad® Digital Templating Overview

Dr. Adam Rothenberg explains the process and value of TraumaCad® digital templating in a RI.HIP case using the CORI Surgical System.
VISIONAIRE UNI Cutting Guides with ZUK Uni Knee Video

VISIONAIRE UNI Cutting Guides with ZUK Uni Knee

ZUK Unicompartmental Knee has established itself in the market with great clinical history for partial knee replacements. With Patient Matched instrumentation for the ZUK, you have a great combination of new technology with PSI and strong clinical history
VISIONAIRE™ Process Animation Video

VISIONAIRE™ Process Animation

VISIONAIRE™ Process Animation
VISIONAIRE™ Surgical Animation Video

VISIONAIRE™ Surgical Animation

VISIONAIRE™ Surgical Animation
VISIONAIRE™ Technology - Advances in Technology Video

VISIONAIRE™ Technology - Advances in Technology

Dr. Chow shares the advances in Visionaire™ Technology.

Showing 85 - 96 of 104 results

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