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NAVIO™ User Experience Interview with Dr. Scott Colquhoun Video

NAVIO™ User Experience Interview with Dr. Scott Colquhoun

In this exclusive interview, board certified orthopaedic surgeon and former Navy doctor, Dr. Scott Colquhoun, speaks openly about performing robotic-assisted knee arthroplasty using the NAVIO Surgical System in Turlock, CA.


Over 20 years of development, testing and clinical application as resulted in OXINIUM™ Oxidized Zirconium, a material transformation rather than an applied coating.
OXINIUM™: How It's Made Video

OXINIUM™: How It's Made

OXINIUM™ Oxidized Zirconium is a unique, award-winning advance implant bearing surface.
PHYSIOLOGICAL MATCHING* Technology...from the Eyes of the Surgeon Video

PHYSIOLOGICAL MATCHING* Technology...from the Eyes of the Surgeon

Surgeons share their experiences with PHYSIOLOGICAL MATCHING* Technology.
Performing Revision Knee Arthroplasty Using the CORI™Surgical System Video

Performing Revision Knee Arthroplasty Using the CORI™Surgical System

Candid discussion and case review with Dr. George Guild and Dr. Steven Nishiyama.
Planning Principles of Visionaire Video

Planning Principles of Visionaire

Surgeons who consistently review their plans, record their outcomes, and interact with their engineer will be rewarded with extremely satisfying results.
Planning a Revision TKA Using LEGION™ RK System Video

Planning a Revision TKA Using LEGION™ RK System

Dr. Jaime Carvajal delivers an in-depth overview of the LEGION? Revision Knee System.
Professor Max Ettinger: Overcoming UKA Challenges with New Implant Design and Handheld Robotics Video

Professor Max Ettinger: Overcoming UKA Challenges with New Implant Design and Handheld Robotics

This live surgery video provides an overview of the surgical workflow for partial knee using JOURNEY™ II UK Knee System and the CORI™ Surgical System.
RI.HIP Animation Video

RI.HIP Animation

Discover more about the key solutions and the surgical workflow for RI.HIP on CORI™ System through this animation video.
RI.HIP Live Surgery- Dr. Rothenberg Video

RI.HIP Live Surgery- Dr. Rothenberg

Dr. Adam Rothenberg performs live surgery using RI.HIP NAVIGATION through a direct anterior (DA) approach. POLAR 3 total hip solution with Smith+Nephew’s proprietary OXINIUM (Oxidized Zirconium) is featured.
RI.HIP MODELER Overview with Dr. Rhett Hallows Video

RI.HIP MODELER Overview with Dr. Rhett Hallows

Dr. Rhett Hallows demonstrates RI.HIP MODELER, a preoperative tool designed to assess spinopelvic mobility. It allows surgeons to evaluate patient-specific constructs and visualize potential implant impingement during activities of daily living.
RI.HIP Overview Video

RI.HIP Overview

A brief video with Dr. Adam Rothenberg discussing RI.HIP solution from Smith+Nephew.

Showing 61 - 72 of 104 results

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